So you think you're pretty tough, eh?

As brutal as yesterday's ride was taking the Carroll Summit Alternate (see the blog "What happens when you take too many dumb pills"), today's ride from Austin NV to Eureka NV  was sweet.  There was a very tough hill climb at Austin, but after my experience on Carroll Summit, the Austin climb was child's play and the 70 miles went pretty fast.  I left Austin at 7:30 am and was in Eureka at 1:30 pm with lots of breaks.  On one break Jaine and I met at a rest area and met a guy named Josh and his dog Yuma.

Josh (not to be confused with our adopted Josh the bike rider)is 24 years old, hasn't had a steady job in 2 years, and travels all over the United States, just having fun and working construction when he gets the chance.  He lives out of his van and he just goes wherever the wind takes him.  Originally from Illinois, he doesn't really have a residence anymore.  Right now he's planning on visiting Moab, UT and later see his brother someplace in Utah.

Josh, Yuma and John

You might think he was a lost soul, but in fact he's the opposite.  He's kind of a modern day Jack Kerouac that, at 24 could write a book about all of his experiences leading the life of a vagabond.

Josh is a very friendly and nice young man leading an alternative life style and his dog was happy and living the life...just like his master. think you're pretty tough, eh?  

Over the last 4 days I've rode a 60 mile ride, a 100 mile ride, a 68 mile ride and a 70 mile ride and although I might want to puff my chest out a little bit and stand tippity toe there's always someone who can pop that balloon pretty fast.  Her name is Steph Robinson and Jaine and I met her on the road between Austin and Eureka.  Steph is a transcontinental runner and she is running across America for hunger.  She runs about 30 miles a day (that's longer than a marathon!)...she started in San Francisco and she'll keep going until she reaches Washington D.C.  If you want to know more about Steph and what an ultrarunner is all about, check out her website at:

A good starting spot is at the top of her page where it says "2015 Run".

Jaine and Steph


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